Thursday, April 3, 2008

My mother=Hitler


I thought I was angry before, but now I'm beyond. I will never speak to my mother again.

My closest friends may know this, but for those of you who don't, my doctor found a lump in my right breast. I was scheduled for an ultra sound to get a better look at what type of lump it is, and I had to cancel it because I don't have enough money for my co-payment. My sister relayed this onto my mother. When my mother heard this, her response was "Good. I'm glad the ultra sound got canceled. Then the doctor won't give Jamie anymore hormones until they know what is going on with the lump".
What kind of parent says that? What kind of parent thinks that way? I highly doubt I have breast cancer at 25, but what parent wouldn't want to make sure, KNOWING IT RUNS IN OUR FAMILY???????? And to make matters worse, she has threatened my sister and my sister is not allowed to give me any money at all.

I wish that I were writing the script to a movie and not the script of what is going on in my life right now. I am beyond outraged and hurt.

The only positive thing to say about this is that I am more driven to succeed than I have ever been in this life. Ever. And I live for the day that I make it big in whatever career path I choose, financially stable, and surrounded with a family that I have always longed for and deserved.


Imagination Zone said...

UUUGGGHHHH I'm sorry Jamies!!!!!

Glad you are holding on to the vision of your successful future. My former boss doesn't have anything right now but she might be able to hire you to speak to some of the kids I taught, but that wouldn't be until the summer. I give her your number.

Keep truckin' let me know if you need an ear, or food or a loan...I don't have money this week but next week I will.


Barbara said...

This is bs. Any real Mother cares about her child's safety and health.

I've dealt with having lumps in my breast and under my arm - they were only cysts, but still scary. I understand how you feel.

If you still need some monetary help, please email me and I'll do what I can to help.

Stay Strong,

Christine said...

I love you Jamie.

You will get through this and you will be successful. If anybody can do it its you. I have faith in you. You have had to show your strength many times in your life and this is just one of those times when your strength as a person can shine through. I got you and am here for anything. XOXOXOXO

I love you.


Unknown said...

We should 100% start a petition to send to your mother so she can see just HOW MANY PEOPLE think shes the most rediculous person alive. Let me know if you want me to write something on and circulate. Love you.

May said...

That is awful. My parents are shitty and manipulative like that too. I hope you're able to figure everything out soon. Good luck.