Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Officially Disowned

I have been officially disowned and cut off. I believe I'm doing the right thing for myself finally though.

I'm getting a lot of positive feedback about my blog. People I don't even know are contacting me from the cyber world and thanking me for doing this. Well, there is more you can do to thank me. If you enjoy my blog and think its a worthy cause, then please think about donating to this cause. I've joined paypal and am now receiving donations. The donations will go directly to my transition costs, allowing me to actually continue transitioning as well as documenting my experience. No amount is too small, even if its $5.

Also, another way to help me is to hire me to publicly speak at your school, youth group, social group, etc. I have an extensive background, and over 10 years in public speaking (yes, that means I started when I was 15). I run sensitivity trainings in junior and highschools, colleges. I also have extensive experience in assisting GLBTQ groups in highschools and on college campuses with raising awareness and planning large scale events and speakers. In addition to that, I also speak publicly about what it means to be a part of the GLBTQ community, and I open myself up to answer most questions from the audience. If you are interested in hiring me for any of these, feel free to contact me at

Thanks again to everyone for their continued support.


Peace & Love said...


My heart goes out to you. How strong and brave you are to be dealing with all of this. I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you and wishing the best for you. I began a blog tonight - your blog was a reminder that I had wanted to start a blog once I began transitioning ( If you're into e-mailing, I'd definitely be down, I'm trying to build a family/community of my own also.
Stay strong brother,

Imagination Zone said...

Oh Jamie. I'm sorry to read/watch this. If you need money floated to you or something let me know. If you ever want to come over, please do. And I know you are in good hands with Petey, but if you do ever find yourself homeless, I've got a second bed here (couch folds out into one) please come over.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jam,

You're doing the right thing. You're transitioning to ADULT male, and this will help/make you stand on your own. Speaking as someone who has watched you grow since you were thirteen...

Take care, chico.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Jamie, A professor shared a quote:

"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." - Audre Lorde

Stay strong. Love you,Bernie :)

Unknown said...


I think you should talk to your therapist in LA im SURE she has connections over there with people who may be able to hire you/have you speak publically. If you ever need ANYTHING please call me (you know you have a home in NY anytime you need it and i will ask around/research some things for you when i get home from this miserable office)

Barbara said...

I'm sorry to hear you've been disowned. They obviously they weren't your really family. A really family supports each other.

Following your own path is hard, but the rewards will be great.

Stay strong,

V. Wetlaufer said...

This must be very difficult for you and I'm sorry your mother is being so awful about this. Any one of these things in and of themselves (moving to a new place, trying to find a job after college, etc) but I'm sure it's all just heightened because you're becoming a man (well, you are a man, but you know what I mean :).

Just saw your post on Lesbiatopia and followed it here.

I wish you strength on your journey.

Anonymous said...

You go guy!

from Helen