Thursday, May 29, 2008

Life and more life


I didn't end up going home for the funeral for David because it was on such short notice and I just started my new job, but it looks like I'm going to home in two weeks for just a weekend. I'll be able to face my mom in person and see if we can come to some sort of resolution on everything she has said and done to me.

We are still talking every other day or so, but mostly I just check in with her to see how she's doing. She's having a pretty hard time and even though she can never show e the empathy and sympathy I need and want, somehow I still find it in me to show it to her. I just think what she is dealing with is terrible and I don't want t compromise myself and my values by treating her as shitty as she treated me.

Other than that, I'm still taking the hormones and my voice dropped a little more significantly this week. I'm starting to crack and be awkward, and I can feel my body changing more and more. Each day I really do feel like I look less and less feminine.

Also, my article was published in a magazine called IN LA MAGAZINE. If you are in the Los Angeles area, pick up a copy wherever. I believe they are free. If you are not in Los Angeles, the article can be viewed online at It should be up online by next week.

Here's my new VLOG. Hope everyone is well.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about David, and about your new job being so tiring. Maybe it will get better once you get into a routine? Anyway, best of luck with navigating all that life seems to be throwing at you right now.

Your voice and appearance really are coming along... hooray for that! Compared even with your last video, you do look and sound much more masculine. Thank goodness for T... where would we transguys be without it?

May said...

Sorry to hear about your problems with your mom and her grieving.

I know when I first started working 40 hours a week for the first time, I was completely exhausted all the time. Eventually, though, I just got used to it and I don't even notice it anymore.

sprouthead said...

Hey, I'm interested in your article...could you be more specific about which issus and page/title so that I can find it? (Sorry if you already gave this info and I just missed it!)